
Showing posts from February, 2015

Spending time with my bro before get back to my workplace....

Dating jap ngan puan besar @solehahrazali

Done.... Untu ke 4 kali nye aku jejak kaki ke sini... Pnat daa kne soal jawab... Nie baru jawab dpn panel spa...blm kne soal masa dlm kubur nnty...mau mngelupur... #notakaki ada sesiapa nk bawak kita jln2 putrajaya tak???

Kje mlm...gler2...mata rabak petang tk dpt tdo sbb mneman si onyng shopping...

Second round puas sekali je... with @malatimalatishopaholic

Selamat tinggal johor bahru.....

The clock is ticking... The eyes are swelling....

Setelah 12 jam marathon ot di thun bru cina.... Dah tk mmpu tersenyum...

The real expression when we have to wake up early in the morning today.....

Change the date n start a new day.... day of Marathon.... #marathonday #cny #oonnngggday

#tryingToCreatAProperCaptionForThisPic Dont look back...n learning from your mistakes... #candid #melakaday #throwback

Rindu melaka...

from one of the movie i watched just now.... When our heart said that we are not belong together...that makes our love just like we are 'working'.. u know how i hate when someone force me to work... its better for me to be alone with my friend... #ouchhh #sentap

Nasib baik laa plan naik broga sabtu lepas bkn sabtu nie...klau tk tue mkn debu je laa kita geng #sksl04

Org bese reunion wat dinner...but us, hiking....pnjat broga... itu laa kita...gler2 happening... Luv u guys #sksl04 #bondingtime #brogahill

Blik kg si buncit nie jugak yg dicari... #sksl04 #bondingtimeo #gendut #buncit #tembam #bulat

#sksl04 #reunion #brogahill #hiking #kawanselamanya #kenalsebelumkenalABC #happening #terbaik #muafakamembawaberkat #tolongmenolong #supportkwnhinggakepuncak

baget nk gerak pnat sgt tak kita gerak pg nie laaa ye...susah drive jauh sorg...bnyk bnde kne pikir...mmpu ke tak...kete ok ke tak... its ok...i can do it... #girlpower #beindipendent #youcandoit

Tak sabar nye....

perancngan manusia mmng debommm... tp perancangan Allah itu lebih indah dan terbaik... sesungguhnya aku berserah kepada mu ya Allah... salam subuh...